Give to the Brady Urological Institute Philanthropy drives discovery in patient care.

How Your Gift Helps the Brady Urological Institute

At the Brady Urological Institute, 我们有提供一流泌尿系统护理的悠久传统, conducting cutting-edge research, 培养下一代泌尿科专家. Through a collaborative multidisciplinary effort, our providers work to prevent, treat, and, when possible, 治疗最具挑战性的泌尿系统疾病和失调.

对布雷迪医院的慈善支持使我们的医生, scientists, 让学员们回答最具挑战性的医学问题, 从而改善我们的推荐十大正规网赌平台和世界各地其他人的生活. 我们欢迎各种数量和用途的礼物.

Make a gift


Supporting Our Work


A smiling physician and a patient.

Investments in Research

投资我们的研究项目的机会可以为教师提供支持, 增加和保留重要的研究人员, 设备的购买或关键实验室空间的装修.

Three physicians doing lab/research work.

Endowed Gifts

Endowed gifts provide the Brady with a reliable, 永久稳定的专用资金流,以帮助承担研究费用, training and patient care.

A physician holding a document.

Why Give to the Brady Urological Institute?

慈善捐款为布雷迪泌尿研究所的使命提供了财政基础, 自“钻石吉姆”布雷迪以来对泌尿外科治疗和研究的影响, a urology patient at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, donated more than $600,建立了现在被称为詹姆斯·布坎南·布雷迪泌尿研究所. In today’s dollars, Mr. 布雷迪给约翰霍普金斯大学的礼物总计将近1600万美元. This groundbreaking institute, the first of its kind in North America, placed patient care, laboratory research and teaching under one roof. 它开启了一种发现的传统,一直延续到今天.

The Brady Urological Institute, located in Baltimore, MD, 治疗国内和国际患者基础,被认为是世界泌尿学研究的卓越中心. 我们的国际声誉根植于我们的人民:光明, innovative surgeons, scientists and staff who love what they do. 他们在我们独一无二的环境中茁壮成长在这里,科学家和外科医生把推荐十大正规网赌平台放在首位.

慈善事业为我们的教师提供了进一步研究和改善临床实践所需的资源. With your support, 未来的发现突破了现有知识的极限,扩展了我们教育能力的界限, treat and cure. Thank you for being part of our program.

Types of Gifts

Payment Methods


To make a gift or pledge online, please complete our secure online giving form.

Over the Phone

要和某人直接谈论制作礼物,请打电话 410-955-8434.


The Brady Urological Institute
Attn: Development Office
600 North Wolfe Street, CMSC 130
Baltimore, MD 21287

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Contact the development office

对布雷迪泌尿研究所的慈善捐赠有疑问吗? Contact us by phone (410-955-8434) or email ([email protected]).